
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <!-- -*- xml -*- -->
 <appendix id="source">
  <title>DocBook XML source</title>
  <section id="build">
   <title>How to build the &sdb;</title>

   <para>Given a functioning XML environment, all of the necessary
    files are shown in full in this appendix.  All you have to do in
    order to build the &sdb; is:</para>

     <para>Make sure you that have installed the necessary XML
      tools (see <xref linkend="tools"/>).</para>

     <para>In addition to those tools you will need:</para>
       <para><application>fig2dev</application> (from the
        <application>transfig</application> package) for converting
        image formats</para>

       <para><application>fold</application> and
        <application>sed</application> for manipulating SGML files so
        that they can be included verbatim in a DocBook

       <para>For PostScript output I suggest you use
        <application>pdftops</application>, from the
        <application>xpdf</application> package.</para>

     <para>Put all the files in the same directory and type
      <userinput>make</userinput>.  The default target builds
      PDF, PostScript and HTML output.</para>





  <section id="tools.xml">




   <section id="tips.xml">






  <section id="ulink.xsl">








  <section id="css.xsl">


  <section id="selfdocbookx.css">


  <section id="Makefile">



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