[PARPORT] Re: howto for zip on kernel2.2.1

David Campbell (campbell@torque.net)
Sat, 10 Apr 1999 07:06:10 +0800

Date sent: Thu, 08 Apr 1999 22:38:46 -0700
From: Clayton Cottingham <drfrog@smartt.com>
To: campbell@torque.net
Subject: howto for zip on kernel2.2.1

> heya do you have any hints? the kernel has change a bit, parralell ide?
> and no scsi low level parralel
> hmm
> any help appreciated!

Try upgrading to a more recent kernel (like 2.2.5). The first couple
of kernel releases (2.2.0 -> 2.2.1) had a broken imm driver (the ZIP
Plus drive) and possibly a broken ppa driver.

Secondly look in the kernel configuration in the general
configuration for parallel port support. Without this most parallel
port drivers (ParIDE, ZIP, PLIP, lp) will not be available.

David Campbell
"This is not an office, rather Hell with fluorescent lighting"

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