Re: [PARPORT] printer lava parallel-PCI

Tim Waugh (
Mon, 6 Sep 1999 08:22:16 +0100 (GMT)

On Sun, 5 Sep 1999, Robin Garza wrote:

> but when i try to print the computer locks up and i have to just turn
> it off. i had used lisa to set up the printer. i thought maybe i should
> run lisa --printer again, but it only sets it up with the three standard
> io ports. is it not possible for linux to use 6500 to print? or is
> there somewhere else i need to change that manually? it is in the
> parport modules as 6500 and also in /etc/modules.conf

It isn't really, I'm afraid. The trouble is that the code in 2.2.x
doesn't know about PCI cards at all, and assumes that it is safe to look
for extra registers at an address 0x400 higher than the one you specify,
which is not the case with PCI and causes the symptom you see.


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