Re: [PARPORT] Please help me configuring my parport!

From: Tim Waugh (
Date: Mon Nov 27 2000 - 08:57:44 EST

  • Next message: Tim Waugh: "Re: [PARPORT] Please help me configuring my parport!"

    On Mon, Nov 27, 2000 at 02:49:29PM +0100, Erik Sigra wrote:

    > So do I have to compile modular to use DMA for the parport, or is it just

    Sorry, I don't think I answered your question. No, you don't have to
    compile modular to use DMA, but you do need to enable the right
    options when you compile, as well as supplying the right parameters
    when you boot, as well as supplying the right hardware (i.e. a chip
    that can actually do DMA), as well as configuring it to enable DMA
    (i.e. ECP mode).

    So, enable CONFIG_PARPORT_PC_FIFO, boot with 'parport=0x378,7,3' or
    whatever, and enable ECP in the BIOS. If it doesn't work, I need to
    see the kernel message that parport_pc spits out as it loads.


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