On Thu, Aug 16, 2001 at 02:20:47PM -0400, Dave Strauss wrote:
> This would effectively lock any other drivers out from using
> parport; is this a Bad Thing?
It's impolite, yes. Actually lp already does this in some
circumstances: when it is interrupt driven and waiting for the printer
to become ready, it leaves the port claimed. I was going to look into
changing this so that it yielded it once a second or so.
> BTW, as far as I can tell Windows printer drivers effectively do this;
> they claim the parallel port for the duration of the data transfer and
> so are able to be somewhat more efficient in how and when they
> negotiate to ECP mode.
> I believe that as long as the channel is in ECP mode the peripheral is
> essentially always "ready". The host is always allowed to try to send
> a byte to the peripheral and the only thing the peripheral can do is
> not read it.
That's my interpretation too.
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