Where's the difference between the nibble and the compat mode?
I suppose that in nibble mode you can use the "read" function which will not
work in compat mode?
This should make not difference if, for example, some "user land" driver
decides to read the status lines to implement nibble mode on it's
own, I suppose?
Regarding byte mode, I guess PPDATADIR will only work in byte mode,
So in byte mode a program that does not use read and write but reads and
writes data and status and control register on it's own would be able to
perform all operations possible with a tristate spp port?
I find there's a ioctl missing which tells you if the port is in forward or
reverse direction... but I guess if my program is interrupted by another
program or yields the port so another program may use it, my program's
settings regarding the direction of the port are restored... aren't they?
Peter Asemann
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