[PARPORT] Module failure under 2.0.31

jmanoj (jmanoj@usaor.net)
Sat, 23 May 1998 20:51:23 +0000

Can someone help me? I've gone bonkers trying to get the IMM 0.17
working on my i486 box running kernel 2.0.31. I just recompiled the
kernel yesterday and made sure to include SCSI support, IOMEGA Parallel
Port ZIP support, printer support, and parallel port support. However,
when I insert the module it picks up my ZIP drive fine. However, I
cannot mount the drive. Here is the output:

#insmod imm
imm: Version 0.17
imm: Probing port 03bc
imm: Probing port 0378
imm: SPP port present
imm: PS/2 bidirectional port present
imm: EPP 1.7
imm: Probing port 0278
scsi0: Iomega ZIP Plus drive
scsi: 1 host
#mount -tvfat /dev/sda4 /mnt/zip
mount: the kernel does not recognize /dev/sda4 as a block device
        (maybe 'insmod driver'?)

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Joe Manojlovich

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