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<chapter id="tips">
Tips and examples
This document is an example of a <sgmltag>book</sgmltag>, and a
<sgmltag>book</sgmltag> generally contains
<sgmltag>chapter</sgmltag>s, which may contain
<sgmltag>section</sgmltag>s. A paragraph of text can be put in a
<sgmltag>para</sgmltag> tag. There are lots of examples of that in
this book (see <xref linkend="source">).
When you want text to appear with its layout intact (spaces and
newlines kept where they are), you can use the
<sgmltag>literallayout</sgmltag> tag. Note that
<keycap>Tab</keycap> characters are <emphasis>not</emphasis>
expanded. If you also would like a different font for the listed
text, you might want to use the <sgmltag>programlisting</sgmltag>
The following sections are for example only, and may not actually
mean anything.
<section id="images">
<imagedata fileref="simple.eps" format="eps" align="center">
<imagedata fileref="simple.jpeg" format="jpeg" align="center">
This shows how to handle images for both print and web display;
each format is included in one <sgmltag>mediaobject</sgmltag> so
the stylesheet, when faced with a limited subset of formats for
the current output media, can select the best fit.
<section id="listing">
Program listings
There are some things to watch out for when doing program
listings. Let's say that we want to put the following fragment of
code into DocBook:
#include <stdio.h>
int main ()
int count = 3;
while (count]]>—<![CDATA[)
printf ("Count is now %d\n", count);
To do this you need to enclose it in a
<sgmltag>programlisting</sgmltag> tag, and also make it into
<sgmltag>CDATA</sgmltag> (i.e. literal text) so that
<literal><stdio.h></literal> isn't interpreted as an SGML
tag. The tags you need for this are:
The next thing to bear in mind is that <keycap>Tab</keycap>
characters will not be expanded to spaces, so you will need to do
all the indenting with spaces.
There seems to be a bug in <application>jade</application> at the
moment that causes incorrect TeX output for
<quote><literal>—</literal></quote> (i.e. two dashes). For
the work-around that I'm using, see the source for this document.
<section id="no-more">
Please send me examples
There are no more examples in this section yet, because I haven't
written any. If you would like to see a particular element of
DocBook demonstrated here, feel free to send me an example,
preferably demonstrated inside a <sgmltag>section</sgmltag> SGML
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