Jere McDevitt (Jere_McDevitt@HomeDepot.COM)
Wed, 23 Jun 1999 09:22:38 -0400
OS: Linux 2.2.5-15
PC: Compaq Deskpro 4000 166mhz, 112mb RAM
Drive: Syquest SparQ 1GB drive
Settng: 0x378,DMA 3,IRQ 7
When I setup the Parport system (I've tried with both compiled into
the kernel and as modules), I'm able to mount the drive successfully.
The modules load properly and everything seems fine. I mount
/dev/pda1 and am able to 'ls' the drive properly.
As soon as I attempt to copy a file from the Syquest, my system locks
up hard. No keyboard lights change, no mouse, nothing. Power down is
the only thing that works.
I'm not certain how I can get any type of debug trace as it doesn't
seem to leave any traces in any place I can find.
The drive works properly with Win32 machines, as I use it to move large
files back and forth from my office machine.
Another thing, in the /proc/parport/0 directory, the irq file is unset
the hardware file doesn't list an IRQ or DMA setting. I saw where I
echo 7>IRQ and set that, but don't know if it does anything useful or
and can't find a way to set DMA channel as hardware is non-writable.
Would appreciate any suggestions as it would be much easier to use the
drive directly then the way I do it now, connected to a Win95 box that
a Samba mount point on the Linux box so I can DnD files.
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