[PARPORT] RedHat 7.0 and Backpack CD-Rom

From: Ron Reed (rreed@ops.sgp.arm.gov)
Date: Mon Oct 02 2000 - 14:24:52 EDT

  • Next message: jkinoshi@pcs.usp.br: "[PARPORT] how to make a new driver?"

    I need a RedHat 7.0 install floppy that has the Microsolutions Backpack CD-Rom drivers
    already on it. Due to the nature of the laptop that I am installing on, I lose the floppy
    drive as soon as the install starts. (PCMCIA Floppy) I can find a boot disk for 6.1, but
    I really need one for 7.0. I have tried to create one, but I must be missing something. All
    my attempts end up with a signal 11 from the loader. Can anyone help me with this?

    Ronald Reed                                              voice: (580) 388-4053
    System Administrator                                       fax: (580) 388-4052
    Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program         email: rreed@ops.sgp.arm.gov
    Southern Great Plains Testbed
    309600 EW 28
    Billings, Ok. 74630

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