[PARPORT] Parallel port joystick problems

From: Jari-Pekka Heini (jari-pekka.heini@kolumbus.fi)
Date: Thu Feb 15 2001 - 07:34:28 EST

  • Next message: Matt Roberds: "Re: [PARPORT] Parallel port joystick problems"

    I have attached a NES controller to my parallel port. Controller works fine
    except one thing: I can only press two (2) buttons at a time. If I press
    more than 2 buttons simultaneously, some of the buttons will go off. I've
    tested this joystick in my friend's computer and it works for him (he has
    the same build of the drivers and same kernel). Would anyone have any idea
    what causes this problem and how to fix it? (It's hard to play with a
    handicapped joystick, you know)


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