Hi there!
I've read in http://www.torque.net/parport/paride.html that it's possible to
run several IDE devices on on parallel port.
Now I've connected my Iomega Zip100 to the parallel port of my Linux machine
and plugged the CD-ROM drive's parallel cable into the Zip100's printer
The Zip runs fine as long as the CD-ROM drive is not installed (executing
"modprobe kbic" - since it is a KingByte parallel port IDE case hosting a
normal CD-ROM drive) and mounted. If so, however, the CD-ROM runs fine and can be
mounted, but the Zip is then stone-dead.
How can I achieve that simply that both devices share the same port? (I have
SuSE Linux 7.1, and I'm not so experienced that I'd think I'd recompile the
That's what I have in my /etc/rc.d/boot.local to install the two devices at
boot time:
modprobe kbic
modprobe ppa
Is there a simple solution the make the two drives share the parport?
Cheers, Peter
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