[PARPORT] a question on ppdev

From: wangxiangyu@ai.com.cn
Date: Thu Sep 27 2001 - 21:59:00 EDT

  • Next message: wangxiangyu@ai.com.cn: "Fw: [PARPORT] a question on ppdev"

    Dear All:
    I'm writting a program to test parallel ports' capability using a
    loopback plug. I wrote 'walking 1s' to data & control register, then read
    status register's value to compare with that I wrote. For example, I wrote
    0x1 0x2 0x4 0x8 0x10 to data and control port, I expected the loopback data
    read from status port would be proper value. But every time there'd be two
    value not fited. After I set SPP mode in CMOS, the result's
    no better, only one error reduced. Can you tell me the reason why? Thanks

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