On Saturday 08 Mar 2003 01:17, John Sowden wrote:
> Now that I have my SparQ drive wirking, I'm getting greedy. I want to load
> the necessary modules at boot time, but am having a problem.
Not exactly a direct answer to your question, but I have my SyQuest EZ230 set
up so that the modules are autoloaded when I access the drive. That way, I
don't have to have it turned on all the time.
I've got the following in my /etc/modules.conf:
alias block-major-45 syquest
probeall syquest paride epat pd
options pd drive0=0x378,,,5,,1,0
The 'options' line just sets the port address and IRQ, and sets the port delay
to 0 which speeds up the drive.
You'll need to run 'depmod -ae' after modifying your modules.conf otherwise
you'll get the message you reported about a file not being as current as
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