Jay Jacobson (nin@goodnet.com)
Sat, 17 Jan 1998 19:25:24 -0700 (MST)
You would assume it would use the same driver. :) However, that is not the
case. It has its own drivers that it depends on. As far as I can tell, it
won't let you customize this. However, resulting from another reply (thank
you) I was able to locate the BJC-610 specific driver at a link from
Corel's page. The only problem now -- their FTP server is down. :)
- J a y J a c o b s o n
- -----------------------
- Network Engineer, ISP -- 602.303.9500 -- 888.Good.Net
- jay@good.net -- www.kinetic.org
On Sat, 17 Jan 1998, Geoffrey Myers wrote:
|Jay Jacobson wrote:
|> To be to the point -- Does anyone have a driver for a Canon BJC 610
|> (720x720 color)? I know the printer is setup correctly, because I can
|> print from the command line, or Netscape (even full-color images).
|> However, when I try from Word Perfect 7, I only get a garbled mess. WP7
|> will not accept just formatting the output and piping it to lpr -- it
|> insists on using a driver. I have tried various drivers that WP supports
|> (Epson, older Canon, IBM, Lexmark, Brother, etc...) but no luck. When I
|> use the "Standard Printer" driver, it works, but ignores any graphics
|> (which defeats the purpose in this case). Any clues on a driver for this?
|> Thanks.
|Are you trying to print to it via Linux? I wasn't aware that Canon
|provided a Linux driver. I've got a bjc600e, which is similar to the
|610 and I print via Netscape, Applix as well as xterm. I'm using
|ghostscript. I would think that WP7 should use the same print driver
|as Netscape which is probably ghostscript.
|> ~Jay
|> - J a y J a c o b s o n
|> - -----------------------
|> - Network Engineer, ISP -- 602.303.9500 -- 888.Good.Net
|> - jay@good.net -- www.kinetic.org
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