
Films I’ve seen recently: Return To Me, The Lake House, Scent of a Woman and You, Me and Dupree.

  • Return To Me (2000) — quite a nice story. Minnie Driver played her character well, and she got to sing as well. Sue seemed to enjoy the film anyway! David Duchovny was surprisingly believable (thinking back to Evolution).
  • Scent of a Woman (1992) — we’d been meaning to watch this one for ages, just to see what Al Pacino’s performance was like in it. It was quite good as rites-of-passage films go, but I didn’t really end up warming to the characters as much as I think I was meant to.
  • The Lake House (2006) — I always like a good time-travel story. This one was about how (or whether) people can fall in love when they are in different times. Nice twist near the end, but as time-travel stories go I can’t wait for The Time Traveller’s Wife (from the book).
  • You, Me and Dupree (2006) — watchable but not really very good. No convincing characters.



