Stitching panoramics

Earlier this year I took five side-by-side pictures of Bournemouth Pier and stitched them together using hugin.  It’s quite easy: you just click somewhere recognisable on one photo, click on the same feature in another, and repeat several times.  I took the entire set of pictures with exposure lock set, although it doesn’t seem to have worked very well for a couple of them.

Anyway, here’s the result:

I was asked whether this photo could be used for the top banner of a community web site, so I’ve adjusted the tone of the right-most section of the panoramic to make the seam a bit less visible, and the end result can be seen at the Bournemouth Matters web site.

This was one of my first attempts at using hugin.  Another attempt didn’t work so well at all.  I’d started out having already taken some photos and just hoping that they might overlap!





5 responses to “Stitching panoramics”

  1. Michael DeHaan avatar

    I’ve been needing to play with Hugin — looks like it might not blend exposures? — this is a time where I really wish Autostich was open source. Auto-exposure lock on the camera should help some if you weren’t using it.

  2. tim avatar

    I don’t really know, I’m quite a novice at hugin. It has loads of options, so maybe there’s one there for that.

    Yes, I know about auto-exposure lock, and I thought I’d engaged it (I might be mis-remembering). I know I’ve had problems before with daylight shots whenever there is cloud near the sun, because even with auto-exposure lock enabled if a cloud wanders over in front of the sun the light will have changed anyway.

    Needs a bit more playing around with to get the hang of it I think.

  3. foo avatar

    Shame about the software patents on this:

  4. Tony Whitmore avatar

    Consider using enblend as the final step which will remove some of the colour differences and hence join lines between different photos.

  5. Michael DeHaan avatar

    The cool thing about autostitch is it figures out all of the overlap points for you. Sometimes it can go haywire though and do some “creative” things — like tying together lamp-posts at opposite sides of a football stadium 🙂

    We need some computer graphics students to implement us one.