Category: Thoughts

  • Happy Danes

    The BBC Magazine is running an article about Denmark, and how “happiness” surveys show that they are generally happier than the rest of us Europeans (I’m including Brits in that). But, in classic BBC style, they need to tell both sides of the story; except in this case I’m not sure what they’re trying to…

  • Mother’s Day inventor tried to uninvent it

    I never knew that: The fight to copyright Mother’s Day.

  • Digitizing 35mm slides without a slide scanner

    Sue has a large collection of 35mm and (I think) medium format slides and we’d been looking around for a way of getting some prints from them without giving them to someone else and hoping they’ll take care of them. We discovered in the end that we had all the equipment we needed just lying…

  • Lunar Eclipse

    Last night Sue and I had a go at taking a picture of the total lunar eclipse, an event neither of us had seen before. Taking a picture of the moon when it is lit up in the sky is quite a different proposition from taking a picture when it is eclipsed, so this composite…

  • One man’s junk

    Amazing what you can find when you start looking. I went up into our loft to get down the old BBC computers I’d kept from ages ago, and they were in better condition than I thought they would be. I also found a computer (an HP 9000/340) I’d forgotten about completely. I still don’t quite…