Re: [PARPORT] H45 QuickDrive, 2.3.3-tmw1 and other ramblings ...

Tim Waugh (
Thu, 27 May 1999 22:03:07 +0100 (GMT)

On Thu, 27 May 1999, Erik Inge Bolso wrote:

> 1. Without applying 2.3.3ac3 as well, the paride modules are unusable.
> (Some typos and such in stock 2.3.3)

I don't have any devices that require paride myself -- what are the
problems with stock 2.3.3?

> 2. The ppuser module is still trying to use older functions that seem to
> have been removed in your patch :-)

Yes, I'm aware of that, I just haven't fixed it yet. I'd like to have a
bit of a think about just where ppuser is headed.

> Congratulations, the lessening of load while transferring is considerable
> from 2.3.0 to 2.3.3ac3+tmw1 ... I can actually listen to mp3's with mpg123
> and ALSA now without pops and stuttering :-)

You're using DMA then?


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