Re: [PARPORT] vmware, EPP, ECP, ZIP drive, printer port

From: IgoR (
Date: Tue May 23 2000 - 01:09:47 EDT

  • Next message: Tim Waugh: "Re: [PARPORT] vmware, EPP, ECP, ZIP drive, printer port"

    Tim Waugh wrote:

    > Attached is a program that you should compile like this:
    > $ gcc -O2 ecp.c -o ecp

      yes.. no problem with this

    > When you run it, run it as root.

           yes I did run it as a root

    > Please run it and give me the output for:
    > - no peripheral attached
    > - Zip drive attached and not powered
    > - Zip drive attached and powered
    > Don't load any parport modules first.

      here I have to say something:

    parport module was loaded during boot. After that
    I have REMOVED this module ( rmmod parport )
    and all the modules related to the parallel port
    (paroport_pc, ppa ).

    THEN I have run your small program "ecp"

    Here are results:


    ZIP drive| | ECR | DCR | DATA | DATA | DCR | DATA |
    DATA |
             | | EPP ECP | EPP ECP | EPP ECP | EPP ECP | EPP ECP | EPP ECP |
    EPP ECP|

    attached | YES | FF FF | CC E4 | 55 55 | AA AA | EC E4 | FF 55 |
    FF AA|
    powered | YES | | | | | |
    | |

    attached | YES | FF FF | CC E4 | 55 55 | AA AA | EC E4 | FF 55 |
    FF AA|
    powered | NO | | | | | |
    | |

    attached | NO | FF FF | CC E4 | 55 55 | AA AA | EC E4 | FF 55 |
    FF AA|
    powered | NO | | | | | |
    | |

    DEVICE : HIP 6004ACB or perhaps HP 6004ACB
    This chip one one of the closest to the phisical
    parallel port

    ORIGINAL output from your C program:

    BIOS EPP mode:
    [root@tina parport]# ./ecp [ ZIP drive attached and powered ]
    ECR: ff
    DCR: cc
    DATA: 55
    DATA: aa
    DCR: ec
    DATA: ff
    DATA: ff
    [root@tina parport]# ./ecp [ ZIP drive attached and NOT powered ]
    ECR: ff
    DCR: cc
    DATA: 55
    DATA: aa
    DCR: ec
    DATA: ff
    DATA: ff
    [root@tina parport]# ./ecp [ ZIP drive NOT attached and NOT powered ]
    ECR: ff
    DCR: cc
    DATA: 55
    DATA: aa
    DCR: ec
    DATA: ff
    DATA: ff

    BIOS ECP mode:
    [root@tina parport]# ./ecp ZIP drive NOT attached and NOT powered
    ECR: ff
    DCR: e4
    DATA: 55
    DATA: aa
    DCR: e4
    DATA: 55
    DATA: aa
    [root@tina /root]# ./ecp ZIP drive attached and NOT powered
    ECR: ff
    DCR: e4
    DATA: 55
    DATA: aa
    DCR: e4
    DATA: 55
    DATA: aa
    [root@tina /root]# ./ecp ZIP drive attached and powered
    ECR: ff
    DCR: e4
    DATA: 55
    DATA: aa
    DCR: e4
    DATA: 55
    DATA: aa

    I hope that the output make sense to you.

    I can still do more test, if you wish.
    Please, let me know



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