Re: [PARPORT] Reading individual data pins from user-space application?

From: Jeremy Elson (
Date: Wed Jul 26 2000 - 15:07:02 EDT

  • Next message: Jeremy Elson: "Re: [PARPORT] Reading individual data pins from user-space application?"

    I wrote a library that does this very thing, called Parapin:


    Jan Prikryl writes:
    >after getting the userland parport driver to work (thanks Tim) I have
    >another problem:
    >I have a very simple pen-like device with three microswitches
    >grounding pins D0 - D2 to the ground data od the port. Allowing access
    >to "/dev/port" for normal users I am able to switch the port to
    >data-input mode and read whether pins D0 - D2 are grounded or not. I
    >thought the safer way of reading the parallel port would be possible
    >using the userland driver ioctl() calls, but I do not get any
    >meaninful input from the port either using read() on port that has
    >been set to input mode, or using ioctl(PPRDATA).
    >The sequence is ioctls after opening the port for reading/writing that
    >I have tried was
    > PPDATADIR to 1
    > PPRDATA (or read() one byte)
    >Am I doing something wrong or is this task something that ppdev has
    >not been designed for?
    >-- jan
    > Jan Prikryl | vr|vis center for virtual reality and visualisation
    > <> |
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