On Mon, Oct 09, 2000 at 11:32:17PM -0500, Peter Keller wrote:
> However, I looked through ppdev.h and noticed that there isn't a clearly
> defined interface for me to tell the parport to read/write an address cycle
> or a data cycle. There is in parport.h, but it looks like I need to be in
> a kernel driver to use it correctly. Is that the case?
No, you just need to do something like this:
mode = IEEE1284_MODE_EPP | IEEE1284_ADDR;
ioctl (fd, PPNEGOT, mode);
mode = IEEE1284_MODE_EPP | IEEE1284_DATA;
ioctl (fd, PPNEGOT, mode0;
If you're already in EPP mode, all the 'negotiation' does is tell
parport to use address or data mode for future i/o operations.
> int mode2 = IEEE1284_MODE_EPP;
> fd = open ("/dev/parport0", O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY);
> ret = ioctl (fd, PPCLAIM);
> ret = ioctl (fd, PPNEGOT, &mode2); //negotiates to EPP
> ret = ioctl (fd, PPSETMODE, &mode2); // sets the driver states
> ch=0x57;
> num=1;
> ret = write (fd, &ch, num); // writes out 0x57 on the port in EPP mode
> In what context is the data being written out? Data or Address? Also,
> Also, what does PPDATADIR do? I set it to output mode when I write, and
It _just_ sets the DIRECTION bit of the CTR: if it's 0, you can set
the data lines; if it's 1, you can read them.
When you do (e.g.) read() on a ppdev fd it does all that stuff for
> I'm sorry for the rapid fire of questions, but ppdev looks very cool, and
> I seem to be hampered merely by a lack of documentation. :) The archive
> was very helpful to getting me as far as I've got and I appreciate the
> imformation in it.
Did you take a look at
<URL:http://people.redhat.com/twaugh/parport/html/>? Send patches for
the bits you don't think are good enough (it's under the GNU
FDL).. ;-)
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