Hello again!
Well, I tried hacking Joshua Jore's epat patch into epst.c with no
luck. Still doesn't find the SanDisk reader when doing the autoprobe.
I think I hacked it in correctly. :)
I noodled around with an oscilloscope and found that the device is
using the Busy, Strobe, Autofeed, Error, Init, and Select control
lines. (I had a batch file running under Dosemu to copy files back
and forth from the card in the reader). The other control lines are
unused, at least once the reader is up and running. It does use
all 8 data lines.
I have been trying to figure out how to turn on I/O tracing in Dosemu.
I think it's with the -D+T option, but when I do that, I get debug
output that looks like:
102 < ff
102 > ff
15c < 0
15c < 7
etc. I'm guessing the syntax is port number, direction, data. If
that's so then why am I not seeing more accesses to 0x378, my printer
port? The only references to that I can get are millions of lines
nPORT: set_ioperm [ 378: 1:1] returns 0
nPORT: set_ioperm [ 378: 1:0] returns 0
nPORT: set_ioperm [ 378: 1:1] returns 0
nPORT: set_ioperm [ 378: 1:0] returns 0
Is there something else I need to turn on or do to dosemu to get
it to give up the goods?
I have a feeling I'm dancing all around this whole thing and
missing it by >< that much. Any tips or advice would be appreciated!
Matt Roberds
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