Re: [PARPORT] ECP mode transfers in 2.4.x kernels

From: Tim Waugh (
Date: Wed Oct 10 2001 - 05:27:08 EDT

  • Next message: Diego Muñoz Pérez \(Trevenque Sistemas de Información S.L.\): "Re: [PARPORT] Problem with 2 paralell ports"

    On Sun, Sep 16, 2001 at 10:56:47PM +0100, Philip Blundell wrote:

    > It's worth pointing out that the trick of using test mode to measure
    > the FIFO occupancy isn't explicitly sanctioned by any datasheet I've
    > read. And, indeed, they do normally state that you should only
    > change mode when the FIFO is empty.

    "The Microsoft Document" suggests driving nStrobe low to prevent
    further data transfers "even if the peripheral starts accepting
    data". Then fill the FIFO, and for PWord>1, go to mode 001 and see
    what cnfgA says in the low bit pair.

    Does that sound a better plan?


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