Hi, I have a internal CD-RW drive that I want to get working in Linux. However, I am having some difficulties installing the pg module. When I try to install the module I get the following errors
pg0: Autoprobe failed
pg:No ATAPI device detected
I have attached my dmesg output that contains the full error message and autoprobe attempts.
I think my problems is that I might not have the correct low level driver installed or I might not have the correct port address.
Does any one know what module I should use for an LG CD-R/RW Drive
Model HL-DT-ST CD-RW GCE-84813?
Does any one know how I can find out the correct base address for the port?
On a more general note I am conceptually having a problem understanding exactly what I am trying to accomplish (aside from the obvious that I want to burn a cd!). If I understand correctly you setup the ide device to look like a scsi device through scsi emulation. You can then use the drive like a normal cdrom drive on /dev/scdN. To use the drive as a burner you must have the paride system installed so that the pg highlevel driver can talk to the correct low level driver for your hardware. I don't really understand where the parallel port fits in unless when you talk to the scsi device it just look like a parallel port. I have the rest of my Christmas vactation to figure it out.
Have an Merry Christmas
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