Pedro A. Aranda Guti\irrez (
Wed, 11 Mar 1998 12:25:04 +0100
Hi, folks!
I've been trying to integrate the parport pach on my linux-2.0.33 kernel
sources with everything except luck. I get a lot of patch chunks
rejected and
when I 'make config' there's no message for parport support.
I'm working with the patch file I got from the parport home page.
I've tried both 'cat parport-.... | patch -p0' and 'zcat parport-....gz
| patch -p0'.
I'd like to share my Fujitsu MO drive, which btw works brilliantly, and
HP Deskjet600C printer on my paralell port.
Thanks for any help
-- #### Pedro Andres Aranda Gutierrez #### Div. de Servicios de Clientes #### Telefonica I+D C./ Emilio Vargas, 6 ==== E-28043 Madrid, Spain ==== Tlf +34-1-337 47 02 ==== FAX +34-1-337 45 02"Theorie ist, wenn man weiß wie es geht" "Praxis ist, wenn es geht, ohne daß man es weiß" Goethe
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