[PARPORT] Re: ppuser

Tim Waugh (tim@cyberelk.demon.co.uk)
Sun, 27 Dec 1998 20:22:59 +0000 (GMT)

On Sun, 27 Dec 1998, Thomas Sailer wrote:

> I've had a brief look at your ppuser. This is
> seriously cool stuff!

I'm glad you think so.

> For example, I have programs that need to fiddle
> with the parport directly. ppuser would make
> them more safe as it would prevent other drivers
> from simultaneously accessing the same parport.

I suppose so. That hadn't occurred to me, actually.

> If extended slightly, ppuser could make
> things like baycom_epp.c a user mode driver!

It does need extending. Read/write could do IEEE1284 transfers, and there
could be ioctls for IEEE1284 mode negotiation and so on. Some way of
integrating with the IEEE1284.3 daisy chain stuff (when it's done) would
be good too. As would a better name.

I think work is being done on it though. (Phil?)

> However, it isn't of much use currently for
> me as long as it isn't widely available,
> so I'd like to urge you to get it into
> the mainline kernel sources soon...

The main reason I'm against getting it into the main sources is that it
hasn't been properly tested. Not just "does the code work," but "does the
behaviour of /dev/parport00 make sense?"


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