Month: July 2007
Green Financial Products
There’s an excellent article over at Motley Fool entitled Why You Shouldn’t Buy Green Financial Products. There have been a few of these recently: credit cards that give some proportion of their profit to green causes; mortgage companies that plant a few trees if you stick with them for several years; etc. The Fool goes…
7digital beta site
I’ve just discovered that 7digital has a hidden beta site where you can filter searches by file format. Finally we can search their shop for MP3 format tracks/albums!
Virgin/ntl embarrassingly honest
I just spoke to Virgin (ntl: as was) to try to sort out some of the problems I’ve been having with their TV set-top box. It’s always a bit of an exasperating experience, and this time I asked them straight out — I said: “Is there any reason you can give me that I stick…
Walter Haut’s sealed Roswell affidavit
I’ve found the full text of the affidavit (from Witness to Roswell), with some discussion of it. Everyone is agreed that something was covered up at Roswell in 1947. This affidavit is a brilliant twist in the story so far! Wonder what the soon-to-be-declassified British Intelligence files will be able to add.
HPLIP 2.7.6 packaged
Last week I packaged a new major version of HPLIP for Fedora. One of the biggest changes is that it no longer requires daemons running in the background (i.e. the “hplip” service, being hpiod and hpssd) for its functionality. At long last!