Category: Thoughts

  • Virgin/ntl embarrassingly honest

    I just spoke to Virgin (ntl: as was) to try to sort out some of the problems I’ve been having with their TV set-top box. It’s always a bit of an exasperating experience, and this time I asked them straight out — I said: “Is there any reason you can give me that I stick…

  • Walter Haut’s sealed Roswell affidavit

    I’ve found the full text of the affidavit (from Witness to Roswell), with some discussion of it. Everyone is agreed that something was covered up at Roswell in 1947. This affidavit is a brilliant twist in the story so far! Wonder what the soon-to-be-declassified British Intelligence files will be able to add.

  • Unsettled weather

    The weather has been quite unsettled and difficult to predict in the last few weeks. But I will say this: it makes for interesting clouds to look at.

  • Eating outdoors

    I love the idea of eating outside, but when it comes to it I don’t particularly enjoy having insects I don’t know what are buzzing round me. Next time I find myself in that situation I’ll have to remember to look at the Tree of Life Project (found via things magazine) to see if I…

  • Supernova visible with the naked eye?

    I was told recently that the bright light in the sky low to the horizon in the North is a supernova. It certainly is bright, and might be mistaken for an aircraft if it were moving — but I haven’t found any confirmation of it anywhere. I’m starting to think it’s Venus after all. Have…