I am running SuSE 8.1 Personal Edition, and am having a problem getting it
to see my Epson Stylus Color 600 parallel port printer. During the boot it
tells me that the PARPORT is using modes [PCPPP,TRISTATE] and that LP is
using POLLING, but it does not report on/see my Epson printer. I have tried
/etc/modules.conf file, but am uncertain if this is even valid sytntax. No
error is generated, but the contents of /proc/sys/dev/parport/parport0/modes
is still [PCPPP,TRISTATE] and the Epson printer is not found/claimed.
Are there any boot loader kernel options that I can specify, or a valid
equivalent OPTION staement for /etc/modules.conf???
My BIOS has the sole parallel port set to EPP mode. Red Hat 8.0 and SuSE
9.0 both boot with the PARPORT using MODES=[PCPPP,TRISTATE,EPP] and LP using
POLLING and BOTH are able to see and claim my Epson printer without any BOOT
options or /etc/modules.conf PARPORT OPTIONs, which is why I suspect the
missing EPP mode to be at the core of my problem.
I am relatively new to Linux, so any help/suggestions would be appreciated.
I would like to accomplish this without any re-compiles or kernel
Thank-you ... Larry Minder
P.S. I am using uppercase characters in the above just for emphasis. In
reality, all parameters are in lower case.
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