Virgin/ntl embarrassingly honest

ntl: logoI just spoke to Virgin (ntl: as was) to try to sort out some of the problems I’ve been having with their TV set-top box. It’s always a bit of an exasperating experience, and this time I asked them straight out — I said:

“Is there any reason you can give me that I stick with you instead of switching to Sky?”

I don’t know what I was hoping they’d say, but the answer was a bit of a let-down.

“No, I’m afraid there isn’t. I wish there were.”

Yeah, I wish there were too.






7 responses to “Virgin/ntl embarrassingly honest”

  1. Andy Burns avatar
    Andy Burns

    Tilt your head to the left, now look at the “TL:” part of the old “NTL:” logo, notice how it looks like a pig riding a skateboard?

    $KY doesn’t give you that 🙂

  2. tim avatar

    No, but they do have a skateboarding snake (highlighted):

    Also, Virgin don’t even have the skateboarding pig now, just a red pringle:

  3. jon avatar

    Sky are owned by Rupert Murdoch?

  4. tim avatar

    The Virgin customer services guy I was on the phone to is probably, even now, thinking “That‘s what I should’ve said…”

  5. Jose avatar

    Hahaha! Brilliant, it’s funny… Saturday I had a nasty experience too!!! I just called to pay a the bill for a friend, got in touch with some incompetent guy who let me through and gave me FULL access to the account by just answering security questions:

    – where do you live.
    – post code
    – name

    And when It came to the account password, I said: “I don’t know it.. I’m not the owner of the account!” and I got a reply : “No worries sir, here’s your details…”
    Wow nice security!!! I would not recommend NTL: or whatever it is called now to anyone !!! Honest.

  6. […] step closer to resolving it or getting an engineer to call! Tim has previously written about it on his page. I can’t help feeling that if we accept this abominable service and keep paying them, it will […]

  7. Nike SB avatar

    HAha that is quite an answer from a member of the company… its sad.. but Skype rules!